Playing Fast and Loose with Life
Many of us go through life with no plan. We take things as they come and simply do whatever we want to do at the time. We never consider the future, at least, not enough to do what it takes to be prepared for it. Then, when life crashes in, we cry out in pain to God. That is how Jeremiah lamented the destruction of Jerusalem. He personified her as woman who lives fast and loose with life, engaging in all kinds of sins, while never considering the consequences in the future. (Lamentations 1:9) Then, when she crashes, there is no one to hold her hand. She cries out to God, alone and in pain. She sees the prideful strut of the enemy who brought her down to the lowest place in life. Isn't that what happens to many of us today? We need to learn from this and amend our ways before it is too late.
Life is not meant to be played fast and loose. God has a plan and a purpose for each of us. We are to find that plan and purpose by trusting Jesus as Lord and Savior. Then, we are to live each day in a disciplined way to follow the plan and to fulfill our purpose. In that way, we are laying the foundation for a wonderful future in this life and in eternity. We will never have to crash and hit the bottom. We will always have people who care about us around us to help us through the rough spots in life. We will never give Satan the pleasure of strutting before us in pride for how he was able to lead us to destruction. Let's take heed of the example of Jerusalem given by Jeremiah and decide to live life to the fullest, never playing it fast and loose.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Lamentations 2-4.