Victory, God's Way
At the crossing of the Jordan River Joshua showed his great faith in the Lord. Then, when the Israelites drew near Jericho to take the city, God called on him to exercise that faith once again. The battle plan was simple. Have the people march around the city in silence once each day for 6 days following the priests, who were carrying the ark and blowing trumpets. Then, the seventh day they were to march around 7 times, followed by having the trumpets sound and the people giving a huge shout. (Joshua 6:16,20) Does that sound like a good battle plan to you? Well, it was unconventional, but it worked perfectly because God was giving them the city His way. The walls fell, and the soldiers advanced straight into the city and took it easily. We need to learn to do things God's way, so we can have the victory in life.
Like we saw yesterday, sometimes God has us to exercise faith in what He tells us before we see Him act in His power. That means we have to listen to Him and do just what He says to us. This takes faith, especially when what He tells us is unorthodox. He gives us unusual instructions to test our faith. If we have to understand everything He asks us logically, we will fail to obey Him and miss the victory. However, if we have simple faith, we can see the impossible happen. What do you want to see happen in your life? I pray that we all will submit to whatever God says to us and do it in faith. Then, we can watch to see Him accomplish the victory for us in whatever area of life He chooses.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 7-10.
Like we saw yesterday, sometimes God has us to exercise faith in what He tells us before we see Him act in His power. That means we have to listen to Him and do just what He says to us. This takes faith, especially when what He tells us is unorthodox. He gives us unusual instructions to test our faith. If we have to understand everything He asks us logically, we will fail to obey Him and miss the victory. However, if we have simple faith, we can see the impossible happen. What do you want to see happen in your life? I pray that we all will submit to whatever God says to us and do it in faith. Then, we can watch to see Him accomplish the victory for us in whatever area of life He chooses.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Joshua 7-10.