Saying Whatever the Lord Says
The account of Balak, the king of Moab, trying to get the pagan prophet Balaam to curse the people of Israel as they came near to Moab is a very unique historical event. Not only do we read about a donkey that talked, but we have a pagan prophet who speaks forth the words of the Lord, as God gave Him what to say. (Numbers 24:12,13) There were many false prophets in Israel who did not have this conviction to speak only what God gave them, and not speak of their own will. This would be a great lesson for all of us to learn.
Our intelligence is very limited, as is our knowledge of all of the truth in the universe. Therefore, it is very arrogant to assume that we can come to the exact truth about anything on our own. That is why God gave us His Word, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit to lead us as believers. God put everything we need in the Bible. It does not answer every question or give us every fact about everything in the world, but it gives us enough, so that we can discern His will and speak the truth. We should hold fast to the Bible, and we should never say more than it says, or leave out anything that it tells us. Then, we must always allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Bible for us. It is not open to our interpretation. We are to tell others the meaning that God intended when He inspired it. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, so we can do just that. Also, when we do not know what to say in any situation, we can depend on the Holy Spirit to give us the words to say, if we are fully yielded to the Lord and trusting Him. In these ways we can follow in Balaam's footsteps to only say and do what God would have us to say and do.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 25-27.
Our intelligence is very limited, as is our knowledge of all of the truth in the universe. Therefore, it is very arrogant to assume that we can come to the exact truth about anything on our own. That is why God gave us His Word, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit to lead us as believers. God put everything we need in the Bible. It does not answer every question or give us every fact about everything in the world, but it gives us enough, so that we can discern His will and speak the truth. We should hold fast to the Bible, and we should never say more than it says, or leave out anything that it tells us. Then, we must always allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Bible for us. It is not open to our interpretation. We are to tell others the meaning that God intended when He inspired it. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, so we can do just that. Also, when we do not know what to say in any situation, we can depend on the Holy Spirit to give us the words to say, if we are fully yielded to the Lord and trusting Him. In these ways we can follow in Balaam's footsteps to only say and do what God would have us to say and do.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 25-27.