Like a Stubborn Heifer
There are a lot of things that I never want to be called, and being like a stubborn heifer would have to be near the top of the list. That is exactly what the Lord said about His people, Israel, in the time of Hosea. (Hosea 4:16) Believers should never be called stubborn, and especially not stubborn cows. The word stubborn is defined: "having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so." The definition fit Israel, since God had given them every reason to amend their ways, but they would not listen. We need to heed the lesson God was teaching His people then, so the same thing does not happen to us now.
If we do not want to be stubborn, we need to decide to obey God's Word, even if it goes against our desires. We should listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to our hearts, so that we refrain from sin, and we do what is right. This is true about everything in our lives. We must be willing to change or to give in to God's way, no matter what we have "always done."
If we do not listen to the Lord, we can forget about receiving His blessings. He told Israel, and He is telling us, that He can't feed us like humble lambs in a broad pasture, when we are like stubborn heifers. However, that is just what many believers seem to want. They want to live their own way, disregarding the Lord's truth, and they still want God's blessings. God doesn't treat His children that way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 6-8.
If we do not want to be stubborn, we need to decide to obey God's Word, even if it goes against our desires. We should listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to our hearts, so that we refrain from sin, and we do what is right. This is true about everything in our lives. We must be willing to change or to give in to God's way, no matter what we have "always done."
If we do not listen to the Lord, we can forget about receiving His blessings. He told Israel, and He is telling us, that He can't feed us like humble lambs in a broad pasture, when we are like stubborn heifers. However, that is just what many believers seem to want. They want to live their own way, disregarding the Lord's truth, and they still want God's blessings. God doesn't treat His children that way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hosea 6-8.