Fasting for Favor with God and People

Fasting is a very biblical practice. It shows God how serious we are about a particular need. I hope that all of us know the joy of fasting, and have seen how it brings God's favor, and even the favor of other people. Esther called for a fast, when she had to approach the king about the plot to kill all of the Jews. (Esther 4:16) She knew she needed God's favor and the favor of the king. She knew that fasting was God's plan for us to accomplish that according to His will.

There are all types of fasts. Some people fast one meal, and use the time to pray and seek the Lord. Others fast for a day or a week to have extra time with the Lord in prayer. Still others, fast for 40 days. There are several biblical examples of this. Jesus Himself fasted 40 days before He was tempted by Satan. Esther's fast was 3 days without anything to eat or drink for 72 hours. I have fasted in all of these ways and found it effective according to the severity of the situation. However, the Esther fast was the most challenging to me. On the other fasts I would drink water and juice, which made them easier to me.

We do not fast to punish our bodies or to cause us to suffer. We fast to show God how much we need Him to intervene in our lives, and to spend extra time seeking Him. When we fast, we are much more alert, and we can hear from God better. In fact, after a few days I feel better than when I was eating solid food. The greatest felling, though, is to see God move to accomplish His will in a great way. If that is what you need, fasting is for you.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Esther 6-8.

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