Abominable Practices to Avoid

God warned His people about doing things that He hates, which are abominable in His eyes, so that He has to punish them very severely. There is a list here in Deuteronomy 18 that mentions a good number of them. We need to know this list so we can avoid them and lead our family and friends to avoid them, at all costs. (Deuteronomy 18:10,11) Let's take a look at them to learn and to remember, because we see them all around us today, even in the lives of some believers.

God hates to see children killed as an offering for blessings to come. I believe that abortion is an example of this today. The child is sacrificed, so the mother can carry on her life as she pleases. That makes God sick. We can be forgiven, but it needs to stop. We must not enter into trying to tell the future by any means other than asking God Himself to show us. If He knows we need to know something about the future, He will tell us. Divining, fortune telling, interpreting omens, being a medium for demons to talk with you or trying to call up the dead is always wrong. In other words, if we read our horoscope, we are doing an abominable act before the Lord. Please, heed this warning, so that God does not punish you, and so that you do not come under the power of Satan and his demons.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 21-24

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