God's Blessings on Abram
God had a very special blessing for Abram and his descendants. He explained what Abram was to do, and then, God followed those instructions with the blessings He would pour out for His obedience. (Genesis 12:1,3) This is the same way God works in the lives of faithful people today. That is why we need to apply what we learn from Abram in this passage to our own lives.
God called Abram to trust Him, to believe His words so much that he would leave his country, his relatives, and his father's house. God's call was not to a specific place. It was to a country that God would show him, but only after he got there. Now that took faith. Abram exhibited great faith in God by taking this step in his life. Would you be willing to do the same thing if God called you to do something similar to this? Things like this are a test of our faith. When God sees faith, He responds with blessings.
God promised to bless Abram and make him a great nation. Then, He told Abram He would bless those who blessed him and curse those who dishonored him. God was saying that He had Abram's back. God would make sure people treated Abram and his descendants well. If not He would punish them. Finally, God told Abram that through him all of the families of the earth would be blessed. It is a great blessing to help one person or even a group of people, but just to think about blessing all of the families of the earth is an amazing blessing. He did this by sending Jesus as one of Abram's descendants. In the same way, God uses us to bless others in a great way, if we will follow Him in faith.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 13-16.
God called Abram to trust Him, to believe His words so much that he would leave his country, his relatives, and his father's house. God's call was not to a specific place. It was to a country that God would show him, but only after he got there. Now that took faith. Abram exhibited great faith in God by taking this step in his life. Would you be willing to do the same thing if God called you to do something similar to this? Things like this are a test of our faith. When God sees faith, He responds with blessings.
God promised to bless Abram and make him a great nation. Then, He told Abram He would bless those who blessed him and curse those who dishonored him. God was saying that He had Abram's back. God would make sure people treated Abram and his descendants well. If not He would punish them. Finally, God told Abram that through him all of the families of the earth would be blessed. It is a great blessing to help one person or even a group of people, but just to think about blessing all of the families of the earth is an amazing blessing. He did this by sending Jesus as one of Abram's descendants. In the same way, God uses us to bless others in a great way, if we will follow Him in faith.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 13-16.