Wash and Be Clean
We can all be stubborn like Naaman the pagan commander who was a leper. Elisha told him how to be healed from his disease by dipping in the Jordan River seven times. That seemed absurd to Naaman, and he did not understand how it could help, so he simply walked away angry that the prophet himself did not come out and heal him immediately. He would have rejected the healing if his servants had not intervened to speak a powerful truth to him. They asked him if he would not have done some great or difficult thing at Elisha's command. Of course, he would have. Then, they asked why would he not do the simple thing of washing and becoming clean. (II Kings 5:13) That truth persuaded Naaman to wash in the Jordan, and he was healed. He even confessed his belief that the God of Israel was the one true God, because of his healing. What a turn about!
Most people would give a lot of money to be forgiven of their sins. They would risk a dangerous journey to a far away place, if they could receive eternal life. However, when they are told that salvation is a free gift that comes from turning from their sins and trusting the Lord Jesus Christ to save them and be their Lord, they balk. They do not understand how that could work, or they do not want to do it God's way, so they miss out eternally, and they are forever separated from God and others. I urge all of us who have not trusted Jesus to wash and be clean. Put aside any stubbornness and humbly receive Jesus' free gift in repentance and faith. You will never regret your decision.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 6-9.
Most people would give a lot of money to be forgiven of their sins. They would risk a dangerous journey to a far away place, if they could receive eternal life. However, when they are told that salvation is a free gift that comes from turning from their sins and trusting the Lord Jesus Christ to save them and be their Lord, they balk. They do not understand how that could work, or they do not want to do it God's way, so they miss out eternally, and they are forever separated from God and others. I urge all of us who have not trusted Jesus to wash and be clean. Put aside any stubbornness and humbly receive Jesus' free gift in repentance and faith. You will never regret your decision.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 6-9.