Written for Our Instruction
Moses was invited by God to come up to Him on Mount Sinai, so that they could spend an extended time together and God could give him the stone tablets upon which He had written the commandments for the instruction of the people. (Exodus 24:12) What an exciting adventure! Moses was going to meet with God and receive laws and commandments, some of which were written by God Himself, so that he knew just what to teach the people.
We understand some things about God from His general revelation of Himself through the things He has created. It is possible for us to know there is an All-powerful God from general revelation, but we do not have the specifics we need. Therefore, God also gives us special revelation. The Bible is special revelation, so that we have exactly what we need to know the Lord and serve Him well.
The Bible was given by inspiration of God when He led men by the power of the Holy Spirit to write down His message using their our vocabulary and culture. This was an amazing process, but it was very precise, so that the Bible is without error, and none of the books have contradictory material. Much of the Bible is what God first showed the people like Moses and the Prophets, as well as the Apostles. Then, He inspired someone to write it down.
Therefore, what God was giving Moses on the mountain was some of the very first special revelation of Himself and His laws. Then, later Moses was inspired to write most of the first 5 books of the Bible. Moses was a very amazing man to whom God gave this great honor. We should all be thankful for the relationship Moses had with God and the special revelation given through him. Also, it should encourage us to have a closer walk with God every day, too, so we can receive all He has for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 26-28.
We understand some things about God from His general revelation of Himself through the things He has created. It is possible for us to know there is an All-powerful God from general revelation, but we do not have the specifics we need. Therefore, God also gives us special revelation. The Bible is special revelation, so that we have exactly what we need to know the Lord and serve Him well.
The Bible was given by inspiration of God when He led men by the power of the Holy Spirit to write down His message using their our vocabulary and culture. This was an amazing process, but it was very precise, so that the Bible is without error, and none of the books have contradictory material. Much of the Bible is what God first showed the people like Moses and the Prophets, as well as the Apostles. Then, He inspired someone to write it down.
Therefore, what God was giving Moses on the mountain was some of the very first special revelation of Himself and His laws. Then, later Moses was inspired to write most of the first 5 books of the Bible. Moses was a very amazing man to whom God gave this great honor. We should all be thankful for the relationship Moses had with God and the special revelation given through him. Also, it should encourage us to have a closer walk with God every day, too, so we can receive all He has for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 26-28.