Endued with Power from On High
Every believer has been endued with power from on high, from the Father. This power was promised by Jesus before He died, when He told them about the Comforter or the Paraclete, The Father would send. (Luke 24:49) Unfortunately, many believers fail to understand the Holy Spirit and the power He gives us.
The Holy Spirit is a Person, like the Father and the Son. He is God who comes to live inside of believers at conversion, but He also is everywhere in the earth. That is why He can help even more than Jesus who was confined to His human body, though He was divine. Now, each believer has100% of God with us 24/7. This enables us to hear from the Lord, know His will, and have the power to do His will all the time.
The Spirit came to live in the first believers on the Day of Pentecost, 10 days after Jesus ascended back to heaven to emphasize to them that God had done this special work in the lives, and so that they could witness to everyone gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost. Because of the power of the Spirit over 3,000 people were saved on that day and many more in the days to come, as the believers shared with that power.
We must do the same thing today to do God's will and to see people come to Christ. However, believers who do not allow the Spirit to fill them and use them are powerless in doing the perfect will of God and seeing others saved. This is a tragedy for which they will give an account at the Judgment. Let's all decide to live in that power from on high and watch what God does in and through us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 1-3.
The Holy Spirit is a Person, like the Father and the Son. He is God who comes to live inside of believers at conversion, but He also is everywhere in the earth. That is why He can help even more than Jesus who was confined to His human body, though He was divine. Now, each believer has100% of God with us 24/7. This enables us to hear from the Lord, know His will, and have the power to do His will all the time.
The Spirit came to live in the first believers on the Day of Pentecost, 10 days after Jesus ascended back to heaven to emphasize to them that God had done this special work in the lives, and so that they could witness to everyone gathered in Jerusalem for Pentecost. Because of the power of the Spirit over 3,000 people were saved on that day and many more in the days to come, as the believers shared with that power.
We must do the same thing today to do God's will and to see people come to Christ. However, believers who do not allow the Spirit to fill them and use them are powerless in doing the perfect will of God and seeing others saved. This is a tragedy for which they will give an account at the Judgment. Let's all decide to live in that power from on high and watch what God does in and through us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 1-3.