The blindness of Hedonism
When people are focused only on pleasure, it causes them to be blind to what is truly important. Their priority is pleasure, instead of personal safety, family, or their livelihood. That is how many people live today in the USA. It was also true of life in Jerusalem in Isaiah's day. (Isaiah 22:8,12,13) We need to learn a huge lesson from all of this.
When God removes His protection from a country, no armor or weapons of any kind can protect that people. We must not trust in our military might or security forces to keep us safe, we must trust in the Lord. However, hedonism, or the lust for pleasure, blinds us to the threats and lures us into a false sense of safety. We do not even want to think about trouble. We focus on pleasure.
Also, when God calls hedonistic people to repentance, they do not heed His call. They think there is nothing they can do to change their situation anyway, so why not "eat and drink, for tomorrow we die." Hedonism destroys initiative to work or even fight to protect yourself. They especially don't want to repent of sins, because sin is how they get their pleasure.
Think of our country today. Hedonism is the focus of many people. That is why we are close to destruction. Believers must pray and seek to impact our culture to show people that the joy of the Lord is better than any of the pleasures of sin. We must lead them to Jesus before it is too late.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 24-26.
When God removes His protection from a country, no armor or weapons of any kind can protect that people. We must not trust in our military might or security forces to keep us safe, we must trust in the Lord. However, hedonism, or the lust for pleasure, blinds us to the threats and lures us into a false sense of safety. We do not even want to think about trouble. We focus on pleasure.
Also, when God calls hedonistic people to repentance, they do not heed His call. They think there is nothing they can do to change their situation anyway, so why not "eat and drink, for tomorrow we die." Hedonism destroys initiative to work or even fight to protect yourself. They especially don't want to repent of sins, because sin is how they get their pleasure.
Think of our country today. Hedonism is the focus of many people. That is why we are close to destruction. Believers must pray and seek to impact our culture to show people that the joy of the Lord is better than any of the pleasures of sin. We must lead them to Jesus before it is too late.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 24-26.