Broken Foundations and Troubled Souls

God is on the throne in Heaven, and He rules over the affairs of men on this earth. If God desires to bring down a country because of their sins, He can do it very easily. He brought Egypt down in Isaiah's time, and it sounds like what is happening in America today. (Isaiah 19:10) Let's see what He did.

God told them that the foundations of their society would be broken. This involved the ways that people made their living being destroyed. God changed their situation by drying up their rivers and streams so that the people who depended on those waters for fishing and other things were unable to make money as they had done all of their lives. He totally changed a huge part of the economy. Today, God can do the same types of things and bring other factors to bear on our nation to bring us down. If He decides to do those things, we will be powerless to thwart Him.

We are already seeing what Isaiah told them next. All who make wages will be troubled of soul. The people are living pay check to pay check. Job markets are changing all of the time. It is very hard to find a good job, if you lose your job. In general, people are not experiencing prosperity, but they are troubled in their minds, their wills, and their emotions over the state of the economy. This could be the Lord beginning to bring down the foundations of our country because of our rebellion and sins. We must turn back to Him, so we can receive His direction and His blessing.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 21-23.

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