Walking with God
Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship with a Person, Jesus Christ. The psalmist understood the personal relationship of the believer with God, and he gave us special insights that will help all of us. (Psalm 73:23,24) Let's take a minute to reflect.
Once we know Christ, we are continually with Him. He lives in us, and we walk with Him each day, and each minute of every day. Yes, we can walk away from Him, and we can go our own way, but if we are truly His, He will chasten us until we come back to Him. (Hebrews 12:5-8)
He holds us by our right hand. The right hand is the hand of strength. When we allow anyone to hold our right hand, we are giving in to them, and we are dependent on them to use their right hand to protect us. That is what we do with Christ. We humble ourselves and submit to Him, as our Lord and Protector.
Jesus guides us by His counsel. We are not to depend on our own knowledge. We are to listen to Him as we walk with Him, so He can impart wisdom and guidance to us for our lives. Finally, after He has guided us through life in this world, He will take us to heaven to be with Him in glory. Then, we will be with Him for eternity.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 75-78.
Once we know Christ, we are continually with Him. He lives in us, and we walk with Him each day, and each minute of every day. Yes, we can walk away from Him, and we can go our own way, but if we are truly His, He will chasten us until we come back to Him. (Hebrews 12:5-8)
He holds us by our right hand. The right hand is the hand of strength. When we allow anyone to hold our right hand, we are giving in to them, and we are dependent on them to use their right hand to protect us. That is what we do with Christ. We humble ourselves and submit to Him, as our Lord and Protector.
Jesus guides us by His counsel. We are not to depend on our own knowledge. We are to listen to Him as we walk with Him, so He can impart wisdom and guidance to us for our lives. Finally, after He has guided us through life in this world, He will take us to heaven to be with Him in glory. Then, we will be with Him for eternity.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 75-78.