Every One of Us is but Vapor
When we are young, the years pass so slowly. It seems that Christmas will never come around again. We get frustrated because we can't grow up soon enough and get on with the rest of our life. However, that doesn't last very long does it? Soon the days pass faster and faster, as do the years. We begin to realize like David did that every one of us is but a vapor. (Psalm 39:5) It is a sobering reality. What is God trying to say to us? We better listen to Him.
Every one of us has 24 hours in each of our days. What are we accomplishing in them? David said that his days seemed as "hand breadths." It did not take long to get from the beginning of the day to the end of the day. As the hours rush by, how much do we truly get done that is worthwhile? The answer is up to each of us. No one can live our lives for us.
The older we get the shorter life seems to be. When we are young 70 years old seems ancient. Now, we realize it is tomorrow, if we get there. However, our days are as nothing before God. He is eternal. Our life here on earth is not forever, and we better learn from the eternal One, so we can fill our lives with things pleasing to Him. Soon each of us will stand before the Ancient of Days and give an account of our life.
How long will we live? You say you will stay in shape and live 120 years. Well, that is pretty unlikely, but what if you do? Those 120 years are a mere drop in the bucket compared to God. Aren't you glad He made a way for us to have life from Him that is eternal? What a blessing! Remember though, life here counts for much if it is lived for Him, and our life here is the preparation for what we will do in Heaven. Therefore, be busy about His work for the vapor is passing away.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 40-42.
Every one of us has 24 hours in each of our days. What are we accomplishing in them? David said that his days seemed as "hand breadths." It did not take long to get from the beginning of the day to the end of the day. As the hours rush by, how much do we truly get done that is worthwhile? The answer is up to each of us. No one can live our lives for us.
The older we get the shorter life seems to be. When we are young 70 years old seems ancient. Now, we realize it is tomorrow, if we get there. However, our days are as nothing before God. He is eternal. Our life here on earth is not forever, and we better learn from the eternal One, so we can fill our lives with things pleasing to Him. Soon each of us will stand before the Ancient of Days and give an account of our life.
How long will we live? You say you will stay in shape and live 120 years. Well, that is pretty unlikely, but what if you do? Those 120 years are a mere drop in the bucket compared to God. Aren't you glad He made a way for us to have life from Him that is eternal? What a blessing! Remember though, life here counts for much if it is lived for Him, and our life here is the preparation for what we will do in Heaven. Therefore, be busy about His work for the vapor is passing away.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 40-42.