God can Deliver by Many or by Few
King Saul was facing a huge army of the Philistines. The people of his army were afraid. They were deserting him more and more every day. He disobeyed God's commands and offered a sacrifice by himself, instead of waiting for Samuel to do it, so that more of his army would not leave before the battle. God was displeased with the king. However, his son, Jonathan, was brave enough to trust God and fight against the Philistines with only the help of his armor bearer. (I Samuel 14:6) When God saw their faith, He sent a great victory to Israel. Let's consider why Jonathan was able to trust the Lord like he did.
Jonathan knew one crucial truth about God. God does not have to have a lot of people or a big army to give a victory. He can work through a few or through many. Therefore, since God is not restrained by numbers, Jonathan could trust in God to use him to win a great victory that led to winning the war. We must have this same mindset to be useful to God. If we think that one or two people are not able to be used by God in great ways, we will not pray and listen to God for His instructions. We will assume that we have to wait until we have many people on our side. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
What does God say to you through this truth? Does he have something for you to do alone, or is there a friend who can join you in believing God to work out a great deliverance for God's people or for your church? Please, trust the Lord, and do what He says, no matter if it is just you. God can work great things through a few. Then, many people can see what God does, and He can work through the many, also. God is so powerful.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 15-17.
Jonathan knew one crucial truth about God. God does not have to have a lot of people or a big army to give a victory. He can work through a few or through many. Therefore, since God is not restrained by numbers, Jonathan could trust in God to use him to win a great victory that led to winning the war. We must have this same mindset to be useful to God. If we think that one or two people are not able to be used by God in great ways, we will not pray and listen to God for His instructions. We will assume that we have to wait until we have many people on our side. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
What does God say to you through this truth? Does he have something for you to do alone, or is there a friend who can join you in believing God to work out a great deliverance for God's people or for your church? Please, trust the Lord, and do what He says, no matter if it is just you. God can work great things through a few. Then, many people can see what God does, and He can work through the many, also. God is so powerful.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 15-17.