God With Us
The One True God is the One who came down to dwell among men. Matthew told us that His name would be Immanuel, which is translated, "God with us." (Matthew 1:23) This one name tells us volumes about our God.
The false gods of the religions of this world are aloof from us as people, or at least, they are very different from human beings. Our God created men and women. He came down to this world as a baby, being born of the virgin Mary and being raised by Mary and Joseph as any other boy. He was with us, and He became like us, except that He never sinned. This shows how God desires to relate to us. It shows Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God through Christ.
Jesus came to be with us, because He loves us. He would not stay away or aloof, when we needed to see God, and we needed to be saved from our sins. In order to do that, He had to come in human flesh, so He could teach us by words and actions, and so that He could shed His perfect blood as the payment for our sins. That is the world's greatest love story.
Finally, God with us shows how much He desires for us to trust Him, so we can have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life. He came to work miracles. He came to weep among us and show His merciful love, over and over again. In that way everyone could see proof that God is alive, and they could see the reason to trust Jesus as Lord and Savior. God was with us, because God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. (I Timothy 2:4)
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 4-6.
The false gods of the religions of this world are aloof from us as people, or at least, they are very different from human beings. Our God created men and women. He came down to this world as a baby, being born of the virgin Mary and being raised by Mary and Joseph as any other boy. He was with us, and He became like us, except that He never sinned. This shows how God desires to relate to us. It shows Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God through Christ.
Jesus came to be with us, because He loves us. He would not stay away or aloof, when we needed to see God, and we needed to be saved from our sins. In order to do that, He had to come in human flesh, so He could teach us by words and actions, and so that He could shed His perfect blood as the payment for our sins. That is the world's greatest love story.
Finally, God with us shows how much He desires for us to trust Him, so we can have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life. He came to work miracles. He came to weep among us and show His merciful love, over and over again. In that way everyone could see proof that God is alive, and they could see the reason to trust Jesus as Lord and Savior. God was with us, because God desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. (I Timothy 2:4)
Tomorrow, I intend to read Matthew 4-6.