God Responds to Faith and Repentance
Jonah is a fantastic little book in God's Word, which contains many important truths for us. I encourage you to read it, and let the Lord speak to you. Today as I read, I was reminded again of God's gracious response to faith and repentance. (Jonah 3:5,10) It gives hope to every person in the world.
The people of Nineveh we cruel idolaters, who had oppressed many people and broken God's laws in many ways. God sent Jonah to preach one message to them, "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown." There was no mercy in this message, only judgment. However, even the pagans knew what to do when they heard the word of the Lord from Jonah. They believed God, which means they had faith in Him. The proclaimed a fast and put on burlap. These were outward signs of sincere repentance from their sins. When God saw that, His response was to relent of their destruction. God responded with grace. They did not deserve it, but God delivered them.
Maybe your life has been at odds with God and His truth, but you have heard the Word of the Lord. Will you decide to have faith and repent? Your decision to turn to the Lord by turning from your ways and trusting Jesus by faith, will deliver you from certain doom. You can experience the grace of God. You will be set free from the bondage of sin. I pray you will take that step, even right now.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jonah 4 and Micah 1-2.
The people of Nineveh we cruel idolaters, who had oppressed many people and broken God's laws in many ways. God sent Jonah to preach one message to them, "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown." There was no mercy in this message, only judgment. However, even the pagans knew what to do when they heard the word of the Lord from Jonah. They believed God, which means they had faith in Him. The proclaimed a fast and put on burlap. These were outward signs of sincere repentance from their sins. When God saw that, His response was to relent of their destruction. God responded with grace. They did not deserve it, but God delivered them.
Maybe your life has been at odds with God and His truth, but you have heard the Word of the Lord. Will you decide to have faith and repent? Your decision to turn to the Lord by turning from your ways and trusting Jesus by faith, will deliver you from certain doom. You can experience the grace of God. You will be set free from the bondage of sin. I pray you will take that step, even right now.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jonah 4 and Micah 1-2.