"I, the Lord, Search the Heart."
Some people are deceived because they listen to their own hearts. Jeremiah assured us that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. (Jeremiah 17:9,10) Therefore, if we listen to our heart, it will deceive us and lead us into wickedness. No human can know the heart fully and discern what is happening there. However, the Lord is the One who searches the hearts and tests the minds. He can and does know our hearts. One day, He will give to every one of us according to our ways, according to the fruit produced during our lives. That is the time of the Judgment. Are you ready for that time?
The only way to be prepared for the Judgment and to have good fruit produced in our lives is to let God show us our hearts. Then, we can turn away from the deceit of our hearts and the wickedness. We can follow His ways in the power of His Spirit, and the Spirit will produce the fruit which God designed us to yield. That is why we must not go by our own hearts, but we must fully seek the Lord and depend on Him to direct us every day. Then, we will be prepared for the Judgment.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 20-23.
The only way to be prepared for the Judgment and to have good fruit produced in our lives is to let God show us our hearts. Then, we can turn away from the deceit of our hearts and the wickedness. We can follow His ways in the power of His Spirit, and the Spirit will produce the fruit which God designed us to yield. That is why we must not go by our own hearts, but we must fully seek the Lord and depend on Him to direct us every day. Then, we will be prepared for the Judgment.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 20-23.