The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

One day all believers will be gathered to heaven for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.(Revelation 19:7,9) It will be a great blessing for each member of the church, which is the Bride of Christ. It is an historical event which will take place in the future, and we all need to make preparations to be a part of this supper.

The first step in a Jewish wedding in Jesus' day was the betrothal of the couple. The parents agreed to the marriage, and the process was put into motion. It was a binding contract, so it took a divorce to separate the couple. About a year later the groom would form a procession of his friends and family, and they would go get the bride and her maids to bring them to the house he had prepared for them. Finally, they had a great feast with everyone to celebrate their commitment and seal their marriage forever.

It is the same for us, as believers, and our marriage to Jesus. We trusted Him as Lord in the past, so we are betrothed to Him in a binding contract sealed by His blood and the Holy Spirit. Now we await the procession of the groom to get us, which I believe is the Rapture. At that time all believers will be gathered to meet Jesus in the air. Then, we will go to heaven with Him.

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb will be our celebration in heaven with the Lord. We will forever be together with Him after this time. We are getting ready for this now by living righteous lives of service, and by making disciples of all people groups. Once the last person is saved, it will be time for the Rapture and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

There will be no time to get ready when the trumpet sounds for the Rapture, so we must trust Jesus as Lord now, and be faithful to Him until He calls us to Himself.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 20-22.

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