How to Overcome the Devil
There are three things that will ensure victory over Satan in our lives.(Revelation 12:11) The Holy Spirit showed this to the Apostle John as He showed him what would happen at the end of time. These three things are true all of the time for everyone, though.
We overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb, not by what we do. It is Christ who won the victory over the devil by His work on the Cross and by the shedding of His blood for our sins. The devil is already defeated. He is frantically trying to hurt others before he is cast into the Lake of Fire forever. Once we trust Christ and His work on the Cross to save us from our sins, we have all we need to defeat Satan, but we have to trust Him every day for the rest of our lives.
We overcome the devil by the word of our testimony. That means we tell him he has been defeated by Christ, and he can't touch us because we now belong to Him. When we our Christ's, we confess that to all people and to Satan. Then, the power of God is released in our lives. It has to be reality and not just something we say.
Finally, if we do not love our lives to the death, we can defeat Satan every time. If we are trying to please ourselves and others, we will fall for Satan's tricks. However, if we are willing to die for Jesus and for the will of God, the devil has no power over us. Jesus told us we must be willing to lose our lives to gain eternal life. When we can't be scared into doing something, and the main thing we desire is to please Him, even if it calls for us to die, the devil has no way to get to us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 13-16.
We overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb, not by what we do. It is Christ who won the victory over the devil by His work on the Cross and by the shedding of His blood for our sins. The devil is already defeated. He is frantically trying to hurt others before he is cast into the Lake of Fire forever. Once we trust Christ and His work on the Cross to save us from our sins, we have all we need to defeat Satan, but we have to trust Him every day for the rest of our lives.
We overcome the devil by the word of our testimony. That means we tell him he has been defeated by Christ, and he can't touch us because we now belong to Him. When we our Christ's, we confess that to all people and to Satan. Then, the power of God is released in our lives. It has to be reality and not just something we say.
Finally, if we do not love our lives to the death, we can defeat Satan every time. If we are trying to please ourselves and others, we will fall for Satan's tricks. However, if we are willing to die for Jesus and for the will of God, the devil has no power over us. Jesus told us we must be willing to lose our lives to gain eternal life. When we can't be scared into doing something, and the main thing we desire is to please Him, even if it calls for us to die, the devil has no way to get to us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 13-16.