Commended By God
Job was such a righteous man that God, Himself, commended Job to Satan, when Satan came before the Lord.(Job 1:8) I would even go so far as to say that God bragged on Job to Satan. That is pretty amazing to me. Let's see why God would do such a thing.
Job was blameless. That does not mean that Job was perfect. It means that even when he sinned, he did the right thing by confessing his sin, repenting of it, and making it right with other people. That way, no one could blame Job for being wrong in his actions and attitudes.
Job was upright, which is another word for righteous. He did what was right before God and other people as a regular practice in his life. His goal was to do God's will, and in doing His will, he treated others well, too.
Job feared God. He respected God and reverenced Him so highly that God was his first priority. He would rather please God than anyone else, because He knew that God was the Lord over everything, All-powerful and All-wise. He feared what God would do, if he sinned, not in the sense that He was afraid of God, but He knew His holiness and justice had to punish sin.
Job shunned evil. It was not just that Job wanted to do the right things. Job hated evil. He did not ever want to do the wrong thing. This is an essential element in being holy. We must love the Lord and love doing His will, and we must hate evil at the same time.
I think I can see why God bragged on Job, can't you? Now, I want to live in that way, so that God could commend me to others or brag on me, too. What about you?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 2-4.
Job was blameless. That does not mean that Job was perfect. It means that even when he sinned, he did the right thing by confessing his sin, repenting of it, and making it right with other people. That way, no one could blame Job for being wrong in his actions and attitudes.
Job was upright, which is another word for righteous. He did what was right before God and other people as a regular practice in his life. His goal was to do God's will, and in doing His will, he treated others well, too.
Job feared God. He respected God and reverenced Him so highly that God was his first priority. He would rather please God than anyone else, because He knew that God was the Lord over everything, All-powerful and All-wise. He feared what God would do, if he sinned, not in the sense that He was afraid of God, but He knew His holiness and justice had to punish sin.
Job shunned evil. It was not just that Job wanted to do the right things. Job hated evil. He did not ever want to do the wrong thing. This is an essential element in being holy. We must love the Lord and love doing His will, and we must hate evil at the same time.
I think I can see why God bragged on Job, can't you? Now, I want to live in that way, so that God could commend me to others or brag on me, too. What about you?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 2-4.