The Results of Relativism
The end of the book of Judges reveals a culture in moral and spiritual chaos, much like we have today in the USA. This serious situation occurred, because there were no absolutes.(Judges 17:6) This is what we call relativism today. Each person decided on right and wrong for themselves, so that they did what was right in their own eyes. There was no king to enforce laws. They had forgotten God's Word. They were left to their sinful hearts to lead them.
We see the results of relativism in Israel when Samson goes to a harlot, a son steals from his mother and uses the money to make idols for their home, while consecrating his son as a priest, until he finally pays a Levite to be his priest. What a mess, and it only gets worse in the end. We see the results of relativism in the USA when Christians live together without being married and forsake the clear teachings of the Bible in many ways. We have a government that encourages people to get abortions and smoke mind altering drugs. I am afraid our culture could just get worse and worse before the end, also.
The only answer is to quit fooling ourselves and admit that there must be absolutes, and those absolutes must have been set by the Only One Wise and Powerful enough to create this universe, the One True God, who has revealed Himself and His ways to us in the Bible, which is His story and His standard for us all. We must not accept relativism just because we want to live any way we want, and we must examine the truth of God's Word to see that He inspired it, and He actually came down here to show Himself to us in the Person of Jesus Christ. I believe anyone who studies this with an open mind and heart will reject relativism and embrace Truth.(John 14:6) When we embrace the Truth, Jesus Christ, we will be freed from the results of relativism. We will follow Him as Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 18-20
We see the results of relativism in Israel when Samson goes to a harlot, a son steals from his mother and uses the money to make idols for their home, while consecrating his son as a priest, until he finally pays a Levite to be his priest. What a mess, and it only gets worse in the end. We see the results of relativism in the USA when Christians live together without being married and forsake the clear teachings of the Bible in many ways. We have a government that encourages people to get abortions and smoke mind altering drugs. I am afraid our culture could just get worse and worse before the end, also.
The only answer is to quit fooling ourselves and admit that there must be absolutes, and those absolutes must have been set by the Only One Wise and Powerful enough to create this universe, the One True God, who has revealed Himself and His ways to us in the Bible, which is His story and His standard for us all. We must not accept relativism just because we want to live any way we want, and we must examine the truth of God's Word to see that He inspired it, and He actually came down here to show Himself to us in the Person of Jesus Christ. I believe anyone who studies this with an open mind and heart will reject relativism and embrace Truth.(John 14:6) When we embrace the Truth, Jesus Christ, we will be freed from the results of relativism. We will follow Him as Lord.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 18-20