The Throne of Grace
We have a throne of grace to approach whenever we need to obtain mercy and find grace to help in our times of need.(Hebrews 4:15,16) God's throne is full of grace because Jesus came down to take on human flesh and to be tempted in all of the same ways we are tempted. Now, He understands our trials, not just by His perfect knowledge of all things, but also by His experience. I believe this passage teaches us that this makes Him even more merciful and gracious toward us.
Think about it. We have a High Priest, Jesus Christ. He stands between us and the Father. He totally understands being human, and He is God. Therefore, He can bring us to God's throne, if we have a relationship with Him, so that we are right with God. Then, He can plead our case to the Father in a unique way, because He is the only God/Man. He suffered and died for us out of love, and that same love extends to us each day, as we seek to live for Him. When we are tempted we can go to Him, and He can show us how to face the trial without sin, because He has done it Himself. He can give us mercy when we fail and grace to succeed the next time.
Remember, we have a throne of grace. Jesus is waiting there to help us. Go to it boldly and ask the one who fully understands to meet your needs in His way, since He knows just what to do from experience and perfect knowledge.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hebrews 6-8.
Think about it. We have a High Priest, Jesus Christ. He stands between us and the Father. He totally understands being human, and He is God. Therefore, He can bring us to God's throne, if we have a relationship with Him, so that we are right with God. Then, He can plead our case to the Father in a unique way, because He is the only God/Man. He suffered and died for us out of love, and that same love extends to us each day, as we seek to live for Him. When we are tempted we can go to Him, and He can show us how to face the trial without sin, because He has done it Himself. He can give us mercy when we fail and grace to succeed the next time.
Remember, we have a throne of grace. Jesus is waiting there to help us. Go to it boldly and ask the one who fully understands to meet your needs in His way, since He knows just what to do from experience and perfect knowledge.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Hebrews 6-8.