The Crown of Life
I don't know if I will get a crown when I get to heaven. If I do, I will want to lay it at the feet of Jesus, because He is the only reason I could ever do anything. However, I believe He wants me to strive to get a crown, even the crown of life. It goes to those who love Him enough to endure temptation.(James 1:12) I have observed that a lot of believers know they need to endure temptation and do the right thing, but they do not give enough effort to allow the Spirit to empower them, so they give in to the sin. Some even seem to believe it is OK with the Lord if they mess up, because He understands. Read Hebrews 12 -13 and James 1 before you try to come to that conclusion. I believe it will change your mind.
We are to run the race of the Christian life with endurance, putting off every weight and sin, which slows us down, and we are not to give into the temptation to quit, even if we resist to the point of shedding our blood for Him.(Hebrews 12:1-4) We are to exercise ourselves spiritually to grow in holiness, not giving in to the temptation to be lazy and weak spiritually.(Hebrews 12:12-14) We are to continue in brotherly love and resist the temptation to give up on people.(Hebrews 13:1) We are to honor marriage between one man and one woman, so that we do not give in to the temptation of fornication and adultery.(Hebrews 13:4) We are to cultivate contentment, so that we do not give in to the temptation to be covetous.(Hebrews 13:5,6)
We are to rejoice in trials and grow in endurance, so that we do not give up when things get tough.(James 1:2-4) We are to be single-minded about trusting the Lord and not give into the temptation to be double-minded about spiritual realities.(James 1:6-8) We are to be slow to anger and not to give into the temptation to try to accomplish God's will with human anger, which is not possible.(James 1:19-20) We are to be doers of the Word, not giving onto the temptation to know it, but not do it.(James 1:22-25) We are to bridle our tongues with God's help, because we must not give into the temptation of corrupt speech, knowing what we speak comes from our hearts.(James 1:26) We are to live in the world, but we are not to give into the temptation to be spotted by the sins of the world.(James 1:27)
That is just part of 3 chapters, but what do you think about giving into temptations now? Let's remember that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments. If we keep His commandments, we will not give into temptation, but we will allow the Spirit to empower us to endure the temptations and come out victorious. We may even get a crown to lay at His feet one day when we see Him face to face.
Tomorrow, I intend to read James 2-4.
We are to run the race of the Christian life with endurance, putting off every weight and sin, which slows us down, and we are not to give into the temptation to quit, even if we resist to the point of shedding our blood for Him.(Hebrews 12:1-4) We are to exercise ourselves spiritually to grow in holiness, not giving in to the temptation to be lazy and weak spiritually.(Hebrews 12:12-14) We are to continue in brotherly love and resist the temptation to give up on people.(Hebrews 13:1) We are to honor marriage between one man and one woman, so that we do not give in to the temptation of fornication and adultery.(Hebrews 13:4) We are to cultivate contentment, so that we do not give in to the temptation to be covetous.(Hebrews 13:5,6)
We are to rejoice in trials and grow in endurance, so that we do not give up when things get tough.(James 1:2-4) We are to be single-minded about trusting the Lord and not give into the temptation to be double-minded about spiritual realities.(James 1:6-8) We are to be slow to anger and not to give into the temptation to try to accomplish God's will with human anger, which is not possible.(James 1:19-20) We are to be doers of the Word, not giving onto the temptation to know it, but not do it.(James 1:22-25) We are to bridle our tongues with God's help, because we must not give into the temptation of corrupt speech, knowing what we speak comes from our hearts.(James 1:26) We are to live in the world, but we are not to give into the temptation to be spotted by the sins of the world.(James 1:27)
That is just part of 3 chapters, but what do you think about giving into temptations now? Let's remember that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments. If we keep His commandments, we will not give into temptation, but we will allow the Spirit to empower us to endure the temptations and come out victorious. We may even get a crown to lay at His feet one day when we see Him face to face.
Tomorrow, I intend to read James 2-4.