Multiplying Disciples of Jesus Christ
The only hope for reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ is for His disciples to multiply themselves many times. I am convinced of this fact, and I know it is a Biblical strategy.(II Timothy 2:1-2) However, we are failing miserably. Since the message is simple, the reason for the failure must be a lack of resolve on the part of us, as believers. We must be resolved to pray and to pass on what we know to others, who will also tell others in a continuous progression of making new disciples.
Paul told his son in the ministry Timothy to do this almost 2,000 years ago. It was a thoroughly pagan world, but the gospel was spread across all of the inhabited world. We must take this strategy seriously, so that we can see the same thing happen again. It should be even easier today, since we have so much technology at our disposal. The question is, "Will we do what Paul commanded Timothy and the other disciples of his day to do?"
We must be intentional in making disciples. We must be intentional in teaching them all we know and sending them to do the same thing. We seem to only have a short time to do it. When Jesus comes will He find us faithfully doing what He commanded us to do?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Titus 1-3.
Paul told his son in the ministry Timothy to do this almost 2,000 years ago. It was a thoroughly pagan world, but the gospel was spread across all of the inhabited world. We must take this strategy seriously, so that we can see the same thing happen again. It should be even easier today, since we have so much technology at our disposal. The question is, "Will we do what Paul commanded Timothy and the other disciples of his day to do?"
We must be intentional in making disciples. We must be intentional in teaching them all we know and sending them to do the same thing. We seem to only have a short time to do it. When Jesus comes will He find us faithfully doing what He commanded us to do?
Tomorrow, I intend to read Titus 1-3.