As A Little Child

I hope you have been reading the gospel of Luke and thinking about all of the things Jesus said about salvation. It is obvious that His words give a very different picture than we often hear from preachers and others today. Luke 18:17 is one of those verses that challenges us to grasp all that Jesus was saying, so that we do not miss entering the Kingdom of God. Jesus said, "Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it."

How does a little child "receive" things? I am sure I do not know all of the ways to describe how children receive things, but I have noticed a few characteristics from my children and grandchildren. You will be able to think of more, but let me mention a few.

Children analyze things in their own way, but they do not have to totally understand something before they will believe it. After all, they believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. They may ask a few questions, but they accept what the authority figures around them say is the truth. In fact, a child accepts things very innocently. They do not think people would trick them. They are very trusting.

When a child takes you by the hand, they feel secure, and they will go with you wherever you lead them. They take for granted that you know the way and that you will care for them as you go. Children love seeing new things, they are open to every new adventure. They learn as they go.

Children receive things in a loving way. When they hug you, you know you have been hugged. If they love you, their face lights up when you walk into the room. They are so eager to be with those they love, and it breaks their hearts to be separated for very long.

Now, take these things and apply them to our relationship with Jesus, our acceptance of the kingdom of God. Is that how we are? If not, Jesus says there is a big problem.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 21-23.

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