The Day the Lord's Glory Departed
Some passages of Scripture are simply ominous. Ezekiel 10:18,19 is one of them. In chapters 8- 10 of the book of Ezekiel we read about the visions that God showed the prophet concerning the abominable sins of God's people and the devastating results. God could not take it any more, so He departed from the Temple. His departure was gradual and dramatic as the cherubim came again to accompany His glory away from the temple and Jerusalem. Read it and think of the implications of this for us today.
We do not have a temple, but the people of God, the church, are a holy temple of the Lord here on earth. I am not referring to the church building. I am speaking of God's word picture for the church. Each individual is a temple of the Holy Spirit, but we are also collectively a temple of the Holy Spirit. God's glory, His presence is to be seen in us and in the church. However, when we engage in sins, and we will not repent, His glory withdraws from us and from the local churches, so that all that is left is a body or a building.
I am not saying we lose our salvation. I do not believe the Bible teaches that, at all. However, His glory is His obvious presence. Just like the cloud that filled the temple in the Old Testament, when His glory was shown in overwhelming fullness. That is how it should be in us and in our church, because we are to be filled with the Spirit continually. When we engage in constant sin with no repentance, His glory wanes, and it can depart. Read Revelation 2-3. Several of those churches were in danger of having their candlestick taken away. I believe that is symbolic of God's light and presence. Then, all the church becomes is a group of people operating in their own power without the Lord's blessing.
Is this happening in many churches today? I believe it is. The only hope for our world is for God's people to repent of our sins, so that His glory can return for the whole world to see, and so that we can operate in His power. Please, join me in praying for that to happen.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 11-14.
We do not have a temple, but the people of God, the church, are a holy temple of the Lord here on earth. I am not referring to the church building. I am speaking of God's word picture for the church. Each individual is a temple of the Holy Spirit, but we are also collectively a temple of the Holy Spirit. God's glory, His presence is to be seen in us and in the church. However, when we engage in sins, and we will not repent, His glory withdraws from us and from the local churches, so that all that is left is a body or a building.
I am not saying we lose our salvation. I do not believe the Bible teaches that, at all. However, His glory is His obvious presence. Just like the cloud that filled the temple in the Old Testament, when His glory was shown in overwhelming fullness. That is how it should be in us and in our church, because we are to be filled with the Spirit continually. When we engage in constant sin with no repentance, His glory wanes, and it can depart. Read Revelation 2-3. Several of those churches were in danger of having their candlestick taken away. I believe that is symbolic of God's light and presence. Then, all the church becomes is a group of people operating in their own power without the Lord's blessing.
Is this happening in many churches today? I believe it is. The only hope for our world is for God's people to repent of our sins, so that His glory can return for the whole world to see, and so that we can operate in His power. Please, join me in praying for that to happen.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezekiel 11-14.