Genuine Rejoicing
When the walls of Jerusalem were completed, there was genuine rejoicing by the people of God. (Nehemiah 12:43) They joined together as one to praise the Lord by singing and offering sacrifices. They formed two large Thanksgiving choirs, and they sang responsively in praise to God and thanking Him for His provisions. People from afar off knew that they were rejoicing in the Lord. I am sure this made a great impression on the pagan people around them.
The whole Bible commands us, as believers, to rejoice in the Lord. Our rejoicing should be genuine and constant. Anyone who comes close to us should hear us express our joy for what the Lord has done and is doing in our lives. When people think of us, they should immediately think of our rejoicing. What a testimony to those who do not know the Lord!
The truth is that we have no reason not to rejoice in the goodness of God. We are forgiven our sins, and we enjoy life in Christ that is abundant and eternal. No matter what man may do to us, we have a home in heaven for eternity. If our bodies fail here, we have a new eternal body waiting for us. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory we will experience once we see the Lord and we are with Him in heaven. Every day is another opportunity to see Him work in us and others. There is no reason not to rejoice.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Esther 2-5
The whole Bible commands us, as believers, to rejoice in the Lord. Our rejoicing should be genuine and constant. Anyone who comes close to us should hear us express our joy for what the Lord has done and is doing in our lives. When people think of us, they should immediately think of our rejoicing. What a testimony to those who do not know the Lord!
The truth is that we have no reason not to rejoice in the goodness of God. We are forgiven our sins, and we enjoy life in Christ that is abundant and eternal. No matter what man may do to us, we have a home in heaven for eternity. If our bodies fail here, we have a new eternal body waiting for us. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory we will experience once we see the Lord and we are with Him in heaven. Every day is another opportunity to see Him work in us and others. There is no reason not to rejoice.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Esther 2-5