A Mind to Work
Some people work hard, and others don't. Some people work hard at some things, but not at other things. Have you noticed that to be true? I have seen this all of my life. I have also noticed that no amount of outside force can cause a person to work as hard as if he or she wants to work. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it is a spiritual matter. What makes a person work hard is directly related to what they think is important. If they do not have the mind to work, they will not be made to work hard and well. Nehemiah saw this with God's people in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.(Nehemiah 4:6) It was hard work, but they did it quickly and well, even in the face of opposition, because they hard an internal desire and decision to do this important work.
Human nature does not change over time. God has given all of us a choice as to what we will do. As a friend said years ago, "People do pretty much what they want to do." I believe Chuck hit that nail on the head. They do what they want to do, because it is important to them for some reason. Have you ever stopped to examine why you do what you do and why you work hard at some things, but not at others? I hope you will do that.
Prayer is hard work. We won't take time to pray, unless it is important to us, and we have a mind to pray. God can't even force you to pray, if you don't think it is important. The same is true for Bible study, witnessing, teaching, and helping others. If we do not have a mind to do God's work, we won't do it. We will work hard at work, if we feel it is important, because we are accomplishing something worthwhile, or if it will benefit us or others. Otherwise, we will just do enough to get by. That is why socialism and communism never works. If people do not work hard and produce more than enough for themselves, there is nothing to share with others.
I pray that each of us will have a mind to work on God's priorities, not just on our own needs. I pray that we will not give in to being comfortable and having pleasure, so that we miss the reality that all that is worthwhile takes time and effort, even a close relationship with God. Nothing in life is just delivered to us on a silver platter. Everything comes from someone's work. Therefore, let's determine to have a mind to work for God's glory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Nehemiah 5-7.
Human nature does not change over time. God has given all of us a choice as to what we will do. As a friend said years ago, "People do pretty much what they want to do." I believe Chuck hit that nail on the head. They do what they want to do, because it is important to them for some reason. Have you ever stopped to examine why you do what you do and why you work hard at some things, but not at others? I hope you will do that.
Prayer is hard work. We won't take time to pray, unless it is important to us, and we have a mind to pray. God can't even force you to pray, if you don't think it is important. The same is true for Bible study, witnessing, teaching, and helping others. If we do not have a mind to do God's work, we won't do it. We will work hard at work, if we feel it is important, because we are accomplishing something worthwhile, or if it will benefit us or others. Otherwise, we will just do enough to get by. That is why socialism and communism never works. If people do not work hard and produce more than enough for themselves, there is nothing to share with others.
I pray that each of us will have a mind to work on God's priorities, not just on our own needs. I pray that we will not give in to being comfortable and having pleasure, so that we miss the reality that all that is worthwhile takes time and effort, even a close relationship with God. Nothing in life is just delivered to us on a silver platter. Everything comes from someone's work. Therefore, let's determine to have a mind to work for God's glory.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Nehemiah 5-7.