Celebrating the Lord

One form of worship is celebrating the Lord for His goodness, His Power, and His provision. I have found that some people are fixed on just one form or type of worship. I do not think that is healthy. God is so amazing and infinite that it is right to worship in various forms to make sure we give Him all of the glory due His name. When the foundation for the temple was laid in Jerusalem after the return of the captives from exile in Babylon, they were celebrating the Lord in worship.(Ezra 3:11) We need to learn about this type of worship from their example.

The people sang responsively as they praised and thanked the Lord for giving them the ability and provisions to lay the foundation. They knew they were weak, and they could only have built the foundation in the strength of the Lord. That is why their praise was focused on the goodness of God. Also, they knew that it was His mercy that allowed them to return from Babylon, so they praised Him for His mercy, as well. Then, they could not contain their excitement, so they gave a great shout to the Lord. They were genuinely enthused by seeing His work, so they had to express that excitement. In my mind I can hear their loud praises and the great shout. What a way to give God praise.

We must not think that all worship is quiet and reverent. That type of worship is wonderful, when it is what we need at that time. However, if we fail to shout to the Lord and praise Him loudly at times when that is called for, we are robbing Him of some of the praise that is due Him. Let’s not hold back. Let’s let the Lord know how much we appreciate His blessings and how much He is worthy of our praises, because He is worthy!

Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezra 6-8.

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