King David's Mighty Men

David was the greatest king of Israel. He conquered more of their enemies than any other king. However, we must remember that he could not have done that by himself. God gathered a great army of mighty men to surround him and support him.(I Chronicles 12:21,22) This is not to lessen the importance of godly women in any way, but it is to show the great importance of men who are committed to doing the will of God. Godly ladies make a unique and invaluable contribution to each family, church, and society, as well, but they can never make up fully for the absence of godly men.

God created men to be strong and to lead. If a family does not have a strong male leader, that family is in trouble. If a church does not have a good group of strong, mature men, that church is in trouble. If a country lacks strong, godly men, that country is in trouble. If men fail to fulfill their God given roles in the family, the church, and society, there is a void that can't be filled.

David had his faults, but he was a strong leader. He attracted other strong leaders. Then, he led them to do God's will. That is a recipe for success, even today. We need to call out the godly men, who will be spiritually strong to stand against Satan, the world, and the flesh, so that we can win the victory over the enemies of God and His people. We need to be a great army like the army of God moving in His strength to do His will for His glory. Please, Lord, that is my prayer.

Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 14-16.

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