No Easy Believism
Jesus never tried to make it easy for people to trust Him. In fact, He loves everyone so much that He always makes it very plain, so anyone can understand. That is what He did for the rich young ruler.(Mark 10:21) That is what He does for us today.
Jesus told the young man that he lacked one thing. Then, He told him to do four things. My conclusion is that it was not one of the four things he lacked, but if he would do the four things, he would have the one thing he lacked. If the young man would sell everything he owned, give it to the poor, take up the cross, and follow Jesus, he would have the type of faithful commitment to Jesus as Lord of his life that he needed to be saved. It is the one thing everyone must have. Jesus must be Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all. If He told you to sell all you have, and you would not do it, He is not Lord of your life. You do what the Lord says. If you refuse to give to the poor what He asks you to give, He is not Lord of your life. If you can't take up the cross, dying to self, so He is on the throne of your life, He is not Lord of your life. Finally, if you are not willing to follow Him each day for the rest of eternity, He is not Lord of your life.
I know that sounds hard, but read what the Bible says. He said that over and over again during His time on earth, and the Bible says it over and over again from Genesis to Revelation. There is no form of easy believism taught in the Bible. The gate is narrow and the way is straight that leads to life eternal. Jesus is the only way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Mark 13-15.
Jesus told the young man that he lacked one thing. Then, He told him to do four things. My conclusion is that it was not one of the four things he lacked, but if he would do the four things, he would have the one thing he lacked. If the young man would sell everything he owned, give it to the poor, take up the cross, and follow Jesus, he would have the type of faithful commitment to Jesus as Lord of his life that he needed to be saved. It is the one thing everyone must have. Jesus must be Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all. If He told you to sell all you have, and you would not do it, He is not Lord of your life. You do what the Lord says. If you refuse to give to the poor what He asks you to give, He is not Lord of your life. If you can't take up the cross, dying to self, so He is on the throne of your life, He is not Lord of your life. Finally, if you are not willing to follow Him each day for the rest of eternity, He is not Lord of your life.
I know that sounds hard, but read what the Bible says. He said that over and over again during His time on earth, and the Bible says it over and over again from Genesis to Revelation. There is no form of easy believism taught in the Bible. The gate is narrow and the way is straight that leads to life eternal. Jesus is the only way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Mark 13-15.