What A Day!
Yesterday, I was planning to have a full day. I was up at 5 AM for my unhurried time with the Lord. I was able to spend a couple of hours with the Lord, and then, I did my blog post for the day. I had enough time to do my exercises and shower before going to the church in time to prepare for our Training 4 Trainers group at 10 AM. After that I would have just enough time to write out a few notes for a funeral service at 2 PM for the husband of a church member. Then, I would make the drive to Fairburn and spend the afternoon at the funeral home and the cemetery with the family. Then, I would have enough time to drive home for a bite to eat and to change clothes before the evening T4T group at 6:30 PM. Once that group was over, I could spend a little time with Chris and go to bed, maybe a little early, since I had not had very much sleep the last few nights.
Well, once I started the morning T4T group all of my plans were thrown out.(Proverbs 27:1) I fainted during the group, and I hit my head on a wooden podium. It bled badly, and since I was sitting when I fainted, my PA suggested I go to the ER. I asked Jim Henry to do the funeral for me, which he graciously agreed to do, and Chris drove me to the ER. I was there all day getting tests done. Then, I was admitted for observation and two more tests in the morning. The end of it all was that they said my tests all came back normal. I guess I fooled them, didn't I? I am not normal. I am OCD. I had been trying to lose some belly fat by taking green tea extract capsules and exercising more. I took too many capsules each day, and I over did the exercise and running. That is why I fainted. I wasn't trying to inconvenience all of those people, but I did, because I can't anticipate the future. I should have been more moderate in my war on fat. Also, it showed me again that only God knows what every day will bring, so I need to trust Him and submit to His plan. His plan was for me to get a very expensive, but thorough physical. It showed I am fine. That is great, but it was not what I had in mind.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 29-31.