The Fear of God

Whatever God does is permanent. We can't change it. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it.(Ecclesiastes 3:14) God does this so we will have a healthy fear of Him. Solomon found this out when he set out to find the real meaning of life on earth. That is what the book of Ecclesiastes is about. It can be a bit confusing at times, but if you read closely God makes His truth plain. We better join Him in what He is doing, because we can't go against Him, and we can't change what He is doing.

On top of this truth is the fact that we will be judged on all we do.(Ecclesiastes 3:17) God puts eternity in our hearts, so that we know that there will be a life after death.(Ecclesiastes 3:11) Part of what will happen after we die is the time of Judgment. We will give an account of our lives. It will not be about salvation. Once we die, we either know Christ or we don't. Our eternal salvation is based on that relationship. However, all will be judged, because God will show us what He did to lead us in His will, and we will see how we obeyed or not. It will be a sobering time.

Therefore, every day we should live for Him. We should fear His wrath, respect His power, and know His will is permanent, so we better listen to what He says and follow Him. Those who do that will dwell in the Lord and know His joy and fulfillment. All the rest stand in danger of an eternity separated from Him. Please, fear the Lord and listen that you can have abundant, eternal life through Jesus Christ, the Lord.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Ecclesiastes 5-8.

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