The Glory Has Departed
I Samuel 4 is one of the saddest chapters in the Bible. God's people are defeated. Many are killed in the battle. The Ark of the Covenant is taken by the Philistines. Also, both of Eli's sons are killed in the fighting, and Eli falls over and dies when he hears the report. It is sad to think that God would allow that to happen, because the hearts of the people were so far from Him, but that is true.
The scene is made even more depressing by the fact that Phinehas' wife, Eli's daughter-in-law, dies in the birth of her son just as the report of the death of her husband comes. Her final words were to name the son, Ichabod.(I Samuel 4:21) It is a very significant name which means "the glory has departed." God's presence had left Israel. He resided above the Ark of the Covenant, so when the Ark was captured, God's presence was gone, too. It marked the lowest point for the people of Israel up to this time in their existence.
We need the presence of God to empower our churches. When His presence departs, we are in a very depressing state, too. Without Him, we can do nothing.(John 15:5) However, I believe the presence of God has departed from many churches because He sees the hard hearts of the people who just want to have their needs met, but they have no concern for doing His will and seeing other people come to know Christ. It is truly sad when the Lord writes "Ichabod" over a church. We must do whatever it takes, not to loose His presence or to get it back, if it is gone.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 7-9.
The scene is made even more depressing by the fact that Phinehas' wife, Eli's daughter-in-law, dies in the birth of her son just as the report of the death of her husband comes. Her final words were to name the son, Ichabod.(I Samuel 4:21) It is a very significant name which means "the glory has departed." God's presence had left Israel. He resided above the Ark of the Covenant, so when the Ark was captured, God's presence was gone, too. It marked the lowest point for the people of Israel up to this time in their existence.
We need the presence of God to empower our churches. When His presence departs, we are in a very depressing state, too. Without Him, we can do nothing.(John 15:5) However, I believe the presence of God has departed from many churches because He sees the hard hearts of the people who just want to have their needs met, but they have no concern for doing His will and seeing other people come to know Christ. It is truly sad when the Lord writes "Ichabod" over a church. We must do whatever it takes, not to loose His presence or to get it back, if it is gone.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Samuel 7-9.