The Perfect Beginning

How did God start His book? He began with the perfect beginning, because He is the Perfect God. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."(Genesis1:1)

Some people want to know where God came from. This verse gives them an answer. He did not come from anywhere. He has always been here. In the beginning before anyone or anything else was here, He was here. God did not have a beginning, so there is no explanation for where He came from. If anything had created God, it would be greater than God. That is impossible because God is the most powerful being in the universe.

Some people want proof for the existence of God. This verse gives them an answer. All that He created, the heavens and the earth, prove He exists. There is no other plausible explanation for an ordered universe except for an All-Wise Designer. The universe and the earth show His intelligence and His power. They prove His existence, because He shows Himself to all people through His creation.

Some people want to know why we need to worship God. This verse gives them an answer. God created everything, so He is the Landlord of the universe. He is the Owner. He is the CEO. He is Perfect, too. Therefore, He deserves all of our praise and worship. He is the Only God. All others are impostors.

This is the perfect beginning to the Perfect Book. God does not need to be defended. He can and will defend Himself. People may not accept Him or His Book, but it will not be because He does not reveal Himself to them. It will be their willful rejection of the Only True God.

Tomorrow, I intend to continue to read Genesis as I prepare my messages to preach through the Bible in 2012. I will begin reading through the Bible again on January 1, 2012.

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