The Creator or the Creation
Romans 1:18-32 shows us the basic choice all people have to make. We will decide to worship the Creator of the universe, or will we worship some aspect of the creation. Unfortunately, many people have chosen to worship the creation by worshiping people, or animals, or things made with human hands. None of these things can bring happiness and peace. Also, none of them have the power to deal with the real problem, which is sin. Therefore, people practice their religion, instead of having a relationship with their Maker.
I urge each of us to stop and consider our world and our lives. It is not reasonable to believe that the universe created itself. That is against all of the laws of science. However, people adopt that view, because they do not want to respect God. They want to live their own lives independent from any higher authority. What a difference it would make if we would give God the credit for creating the world, and for being the most powerful Being in the universe. Then, we would respect Him, and we could begin to realize that since He created people, He has a plan for us, to save us from our sins, and to lead us into eternal life.
Today, I read Isaiah 16-18.
I urge each of us to stop and consider our world and our lives. It is not reasonable to believe that the universe created itself. That is against all of the laws of science. However, people adopt that view, because they do not want to respect God. They want to live their own lives independent from any higher authority. What a difference it would make if we would give God the credit for creating the world, and for being the most powerful Being in the universe. Then, we would respect Him, and we could begin to realize that since He created people, He has a plan for us, to save us from our sins, and to lead us into eternal life.
Today, I read Isaiah 16-18.