God is into absolutes. He is absolutely All-powerful, All-wise, and All-loving. His Word is absolutely true for every situation everywhere in the world. Good is always good, and evil is always evil. The Lord has established right and wrong, so we do not have to worry about it. When we do wrong, He convicts us of it, so we will not harm ourselves by making the mistake of doing the wrong things. What a Wonderful Father, who loves us enough that He would make absolutes for all of us to live by.
The problem is that we try to mess with God's absolutes. We doubt His nature. We reject His Word, because we do not agree with it. We think we know what is right, but it is not in line with what God has ordained. In these cases we are at odds with the Absolute Holy God, and He will show us He is right, and we are wrong. It is a painful process, if we insist on taking that path. However, we can always stop and follow His absolutes. I would highly recommend that course of action.
Today, I read Isaiah 5-7.
The problem is that we try to mess with God's absolutes. We doubt His nature. We reject His Word, because we do not agree with it. We think we know what is right, but it is not in line with what God has ordained. In these cases we are at odds with the Absolute Holy God, and He will show us He is right, and we are wrong. It is a painful process, if we insist on taking that path. However, we can always stop and follow His absolutes. I would highly recommend that course of action.
Today, I read Isaiah 5-7.