God With Us
This morning we had another Men and Boy's Breakfast and Bible study. It was great to have everyone. The fellowship was great, and the food was wonderful. We started on our study of I and II Peter, in which we are studying the life of Peter at the same time. It should be a fantastic study for all of the guys no matter how young they are.
Today, it just struck me about how Peter was called out to live with Jesus for 3+ years. He walked the earth with the Son of God. Peter did not have to say God with us. He could say God with me. He experienced the full revelation of the Father in human flesh in every possible way, and he came to the conclusion that He was "the Christ, the Son of the Living God." Then, after seeing Jesus die on the cross, he was in the upper room with the other disciples to see the Risen Christ. He was with Him by the Sea of Galilee when Peter went fishing. Jesus caused a miraculous catch of fish like the one Peter saw when he first met Jesus. There was no doubt in Peter's mind that the Lord Jesus was alive from the dead, and He was Lord of all. He even saw Him ascend back to Heaven. What a blessing Peter experienced.
However, it was on the Day of Pentecost that Peter's life really changed. He was filled with the Holy Spirit like the rest of the believers, and then, God was with Him in an even more powerful way. God came to live in Peter. Now, all believers experience that when we come to know Christ. We can say with great confidence that God is with us each and every hour of the day. What a blessing that began that first Christmas. I pray that you can say with confidence, "God is with me."
Tomorrow, I intend to read Colossians 3-4 and I Thessalonians 1.
Today, it just struck me about how Peter was called out to live with Jesus for 3+ years. He walked the earth with the Son of God. Peter did not have to say God with us. He could say God with me. He experienced the full revelation of the Father in human flesh in every possible way, and he came to the conclusion that He was "the Christ, the Son of the Living God." Then, after seeing Jesus die on the cross, he was in the upper room with the other disciples to see the Risen Christ. He was with Him by the Sea of Galilee when Peter went fishing. Jesus caused a miraculous catch of fish like the one Peter saw when he first met Jesus. There was no doubt in Peter's mind that the Lord Jesus was alive from the dead, and He was Lord of all. He even saw Him ascend back to Heaven. What a blessing Peter experienced.
However, it was on the Day of Pentecost that Peter's life really changed. He was filled with the Holy Spirit like the rest of the believers, and then, God was with Him in an even more powerful way. God came to live in Peter. Now, all believers experience that when we come to know Christ. We can say with great confidence that God is with us each and every hour of the day. What a blessing that began that first Christmas. I pray that you can say with confidence, "God is with me."
Tomorrow, I intend to read Colossians 3-4 and I Thessalonians 1.