Encouragement and Hope

I have found over the years that what hurting people need from me is a lot of encouragement and hope. When we hurt, we think that things will never get any better. That is a lie of the devil. God can always drastically change our lives, but He is not going to force us to follow. We have to make the decision to turn it over to Him. Then, anything is possible.

I have had my share of troubles in my life. I am sure they have not been any harder or any easier than anyone else. We all have basically the same trials in life. (I Corinthians 10:13) Through it all I have found that having a solid relationship with Jesus is the foundation for weathering any storm. It takes being honest with Him and being honest with yourself. He will see you through, if that is the situation. I have done things to hurt myself and to hurt other people. I have had other people hurt me and my family. No matter what happens, Jesus always showed me what to do to carry on in His will. When I did, He worked it out.

That is why I have hope, and that is why I can encourage other people and show them the hope of the Lord. The problem is that Satan has attacked so many people in so many devastating ways that we need a multitude of believers who will spread the encouragement and hope of Jesus to a hurting world. I pray that you will join me in reaching out in the love of Jesus to be that kind of person to those around you. If we all do our part, we can see a mighty shift in our country toward the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 60-62.

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