Jungle Flowers
When we lived in Houston, Chris planted some vinca flowers and other types of flowers in the front yard. She loves flowers, and we were trying to fix up our landscape. We had trouble getting some of them to grow well, but the vincas flourished. They grew bigger and bigger, and they spread out over the area where we planted them, until they were very thick.That is why I dubbed them "jungle flowers." They grew so well that they choked out the other vegetation. In the winter they would die once the frost hit them, but then, they would come back in full force in the spring without replanting, because they spread their seeds. It always amazed me, because we would find them growing in the cracks in the sidewalk and the driveway. They were indestructible. Now, we have them here, and they continue to do the same thing year after year.
This morning I told our academy students about the "jungle flowers." I related them to the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20, where Jesus commands us as believers to make disciples of all people groups in the world. I told them the seeds are like the Gospel. We are to spread the word about Jesus and see others saved, then, they do the same thing, until the whole world is covered with the "flowers." So, we are commanded to be just like vincas. The problem is that we put the seeds in our pockets. I asked the students what would happen if we put the vinca seeds in our pocket. They said our pockets would get dirty. I told them that was correct, but the seeds would not sprout and become flowers, either. They agreed. The problem with the gospel is that we are keeping it to ourselves. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation, but if we don't share the seed, it can't produce the fruit. We have to begin spreading the Good News of Jesus.
The reason that this is a crisis is that sin spreads in the same way. Sinners love to involve more people in their sin with them. They spread it faithfully. It doesn't produce lovely flowers, but it produces a quick bloom like a weed. That bloom soon fades to destruction and finally death. The terrible reality is that by the time death comes the seed of sin has been spread to many others. It is not kept in a pocket. It is out there for the whole world to see and to grasp. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only remedy for sin. There is no program from any church or any government that provides relief. Only Jesus can destroy the power of sin. We are the only ones who can counteract the spread of sin, as we spread the truth about Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 2-5.
This morning I told our academy students about the "jungle flowers." I related them to the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20, where Jesus commands us as believers to make disciples of all people groups in the world. I told them the seeds are like the Gospel. We are to spread the word about Jesus and see others saved, then, they do the same thing, until the whole world is covered with the "flowers." So, we are commanded to be just like vincas. The problem is that we put the seeds in our pockets. I asked the students what would happen if we put the vinca seeds in our pocket. They said our pockets would get dirty. I told them that was correct, but the seeds would not sprout and become flowers, either. They agreed. The problem with the gospel is that we are keeping it to ourselves. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation, but if we don't share the seed, it can't produce the fruit. We have to begin spreading the Good News of Jesus.
The reason that this is a crisis is that sin spreads in the same way. Sinners love to involve more people in their sin with them. They spread it faithfully. It doesn't produce lovely flowers, but it produces a quick bloom like a weed. That bloom soon fades to destruction and finally death. The terrible reality is that by the time death comes the seed of sin has been spread to many others. It is not kept in a pocket. It is out there for the whole world to see and to grasp. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only remedy for sin. There is no program from any church or any government that provides relief. Only Jesus can destroy the power of sin. We are the only ones who can counteract the spread of sin, as we spread the truth about Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 2-5.