Thirty Five Years Ago
This morning in my reading through the Bible in a year I came to I Timothy 3. The beginning of the chapter gives the characteristics of an overseer or a pastor. Since I am one, this passage has been very important to me. I do not want to demean the office of pastor or make Jesus regret calling me into that capacity. I want to fulfill my calling until He takes me home.
This weekend is a special anniversary for me. Thirty Five years ago my family and close friends had assembled at the Downsville Baptist Church for my ordination. My best friend, Jimmy Lingerfelt, and his father-in-law, Albert Mulkey, had come from Georgia to take part in this service. Rev. Mulkey brought the ordination sermon. He had taken me under his wing, when I was first called to preach at age 17, and he had allowed me to preach at his church, Fork Creek Baptist Church. Also, he performed the wedding ceremony for Chris and I a few months before my ordination. It was a very meaningful time for Chris and I, because we were both committed to following the Lord no matter what that meant.
Now that I can look back over these years it is amazing to see the mountains and the valleys. I praise God for His Providential Hand that has led us and provided for us all of the way. It has been my privilege to pastor 5 churches in Texas and Georgia. I have so many fond memories and close friends because of God's gracious leadership in my life. I don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I know He is in control. It is my prayer that He would allow me to continue to serve Him for many years to come. I want to thank all of you who have been a part in supporting me by praying for me and encouraging me over the years. You are all a blessing to me.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 3-5 and I Timothy 4.
This weekend is a special anniversary for me. Thirty Five years ago my family and close friends had assembled at the Downsville Baptist Church for my ordination. My best friend, Jimmy Lingerfelt, and his father-in-law, Albert Mulkey, had come from Georgia to take part in this service. Rev. Mulkey brought the ordination sermon. He had taken me under his wing, when I was first called to preach at age 17, and he had allowed me to preach at his church, Fork Creek Baptist Church. Also, he performed the wedding ceremony for Chris and I a few months before my ordination. It was a very meaningful time for Chris and I, because we were both committed to following the Lord no matter what that meant.
Now that I can look back over these years it is amazing to see the mountains and the valleys. I praise God for His Providential Hand that has led us and provided for us all of the way. It has been my privilege to pastor 5 churches in Texas and Georgia. I have so many fond memories and close friends because of God's gracious leadership in my life. I don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I know He is in control. It is my prayer that He would allow me to continue to serve Him for many years to come. I want to thank all of you who have been a part in supporting me by praying for me and encouraging me over the years. You are all a blessing to me.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 3-5 and I Timothy 4.