The Miracle of Life X 2
This morning I was digging up a water leak at the church, when I found that I had a message on my cell phone. Wendy told me that Diane was going to the hospital to have her twins, because her water had broken. I began to pray for Travis, Diane, and the twins, because I knew that they were a little less than 30 weeks and pretty small.
I cleaned up Kade and myself as quickly as possible, so we could get in the truck to come home. Then, I showered and ate a bite before going to Henry Medical Center. I called and talked to Travis just before leaving, and he told me she was having a C-section, so the boys would be there in less than an hour. Sure enough, at about 2:40 PM, the attendants wheeled the boys past the family and into the NICU. The proud daddy was overcome with emotion and so thankful that his boys were healthy, even though they weighed in at 2 lbs/10 ozs and 2 lbs/ 13 ozs.
What a joy to see these two news lives come into a loving family! I hope you will join me in praying for Travis, Diane, Dylan, and Thomas. They will need a lot of grace and strength in the next few months like all new parents and babies do. It was a joy for me to be there for the miracle of birth, again. This time it was a double blessing. How could anyone look at those little ones and not know that life is sacred? Only God in His wisdom and power could design such a wonderful way to bring new life into the world. A lot of bonding has already occurred. Now, the love will develop stronger and stronger, face to face and day by day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 6-8 and I Timothy 5.
I cleaned up Kade and myself as quickly as possible, so we could get in the truck to come home. Then, I showered and ate a bite before going to Henry Medical Center. I called and talked to Travis just before leaving, and he told me she was having a C-section, so the boys would be there in less than an hour. Sure enough, at about 2:40 PM, the attendants wheeled the boys past the family and into the NICU. The proud daddy was overcome with emotion and so thankful that his boys were healthy, even though they weighed in at 2 lbs/10 ozs and 2 lbs/ 13 ozs.
What a joy to see these two news lives come into a loving family! I hope you will join me in praying for Travis, Diane, Dylan, and Thomas. They will need a lot of grace and strength in the next few months like all new parents and babies do. It was a joy for me to be there for the miracle of birth, again. This time it was a double blessing. How could anyone look at those little ones and not know that life is sacred? Only God in His wisdom and power could design such a wonderful way to bring new life into the world. A lot of bonding has already occurred. Now, the love will develop stronger and stronger, face to face and day by day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 6-8 and I Timothy 5.