Eternal Security
I am so glad that I can rest secure in the hands of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I do not have to worry about losing my salvation. (John 10:28-30) It was His grace that saved me, when I put my trust in Him. He paid for all of my sins when He died on the cross. He forgave all of them when He reached down to save me and adopt me into His family. He sealed me by His Holy Spirit, which promises me I belong to Him, and His Spirit is the earnest money of my inheritance, so I know He will give me the rest. What a glorious blessing!
I feel sorry for people who do not know this glorious truth, and for whatever reason they think they can lose their salvation. I think they must believe that their salvation somehow depends on something they have done or are doing. That is not grace. That is works. I do not believe in predestination, but I do believe that God has the authority to decide to save people from their sins when they surrender to Jesus in faith. That is not a work. It is the opposite of a work. It is giving up trying to do it ourselves and trusting Jesus alone to save us. That is what the Bible says over and over again.
I failed to do my blog last night, because I was so tired. I fail to do God's will perfectly all of the time. I praise God that I am growing in Him, but I will never be perfect in this life. If I was basing my salvation on my ability to do His will, it would be very insecure. I am basing it on His promise and His power to keep that which I have committed to Him. He is truly able to save to the uttermost. I am so thankful for that marvelous grace which is available to anyone who will turn from their own ways which are sin and trust in the finished work of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
This morning I read II Chronicles 4-6 and John 10:24-42.
I feel sorry for people who do not know this glorious truth, and for whatever reason they think they can lose their salvation. I think they must believe that their salvation somehow depends on something they have done or are doing. That is not grace. That is works. I do not believe in predestination, but I do believe that God has the authority to decide to save people from their sins when they surrender to Jesus in faith. That is not a work. It is the opposite of a work. It is giving up trying to do it ourselves and trusting Jesus alone to save us. That is what the Bible says over and over again.
I failed to do my blog last night, because I was so tired. I fail to do God's will perfectly all of the time. I praise God that I am growing in Him, but I will never be perfect in this life. If I was basing my salvation on my ability to do His will, it would be very insecure. I am basing it on His promise and His power to keep that which I have committed to Him. He is truly able to save to the uttermost. I am so thankful for that marvelous grace which is available to anyone who will turn from their own ways which are sin and trust in the finished work of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
This morning I read II Chronicles 4-6 and John 10:24-42.