Sharing God's Love
God is amazing in how He works things out. Several months ago Pastor Dan Holley of Austin Oaks Baptist Church planned some revival services using preachers from the area. He asked me to speak on March 12, and I agreed to bring the message that night. As I prayed about it the Lord laid a message, which was mainly for the believers, on my heart. Then, I received a call on Tuesday evening. Dan told me that the plans had changed since they had experienced the tragedy of a little 5 year old boy drowning at Poole's Manor Mobile Home Park in Ellenwood. Dan had volunteered to have a Memorial service for little Alexis Rivera on Thursday night. He was calling to ask me to preach for that service. Of course, I agreed, and I began to pray. I did not know what to expect to happen at such a service for a Spanish speaking family. I asked God to prepare me, and I believe He did.
Dan brought chairs from his church building, and we set up right across from the clubhouse. The portable sound system did not want to cooperate, as usual, but eventually the bugs were worked out, and we started just a little late. God had sent our friend from Santo Domingo, Luis Bueno, to translate for me. He is on Spring Break from Columbus State, and so he came up on the bus at Dan's invitation. He was my interpreter, and he played the keyboard for the songs. A crowd of well over 100 people gathered, most of them standing. The family was seated in the center of the first row. We began with a prayer from Dan, and we sang "Jesus Loves the Little Children." Dan read from Psalm 23 and John 10 with Luis translating, and then, we sang "Amazing Grace." Then, I had the opportunity to share the Good News of God's Love with the family and that large crowd. It was a joy to look into their eyes and assure them that Jesus loves them. He proved that once and for all by giving Himself for us on the Cross. (John 3:16) We do not understand all God does and all God allows, because His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways.(Isaiah 55:8,9) However, because of the Cross, we know that He loves us, and He never makes a mistake. He always does the loving thing. Even in times of His anger and wrath, His punishment is loving, because it is to stop us from our sin. I told the folks about how Nicodemus came to Jesus to learn how to have eternal life, and Jesus told Him he had to be born again. He did not understand God's thoughts or ways, but Jesus made it clear. If He would trust Him as Lord and Savior, he would have eternal life. I was able to explain to the people there that God's Love extends to all of them. He is there to help them with their hurts, just like He is there for the family who lost their little son. He wants all of us to live with Him in Heaven for eternity.
I do not know the results of God's Word going out tonight. However, I know it will not return void, but it will accomplish His purpose in their hearts and lives. Already, He is working in that place because Phil Covone received approval to start services in Spanish there on Sunday mornings very soon. Perhaps, the message tonight broke ground for that work of love and grace. I was just praising God to be able to be used to share His love with a lot of folks who would never come to my church or maybe any church.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 20-22 and Mark 13:21-37.
Dan brought chairs from his church building, and we set up right across from the clubhouse. The portable sound system did not want to cooperate, as usual, but eventually the bugs were worked out, and we started just a little late. God had sent our friend from Santo Domingo, Luis Bueno, to translate for me. He is on Spring Break from Columbus State, and so he came up on the bus at Dan's invitation. He was my interpreter, and he played the keyboard for the songs. A crowd of well over 100 people gathered, most of them standing. The family was seated in the center of the first row. We began with a prayer from Dan, and we sang "Jesus Loves the Little Children." Dan read from Psalm 23 and John 10 with Luis translating, and then, we sang "Amazing Grace." Then, I had the opportunity to share the Good News of God's Love with the family and that large crowd. It was a joy to look into their eyes and assure them that Jesus loves them. He proved that once and for all by giving Himself for us on the Cross. (John 3:16) We do not understand all God does and all God allows, because His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways.(Isaiah 55:8,9) However, because of the Cross, we know that He loves us, and He never makes a mistake. He always does the loving thing. Even in times of His anger and wrath, His punishment is loving, because it is to stop us from our sin. I told the folks about how Nicodemus came to Jesus to learn how to have eternal life, and Jesus told Him he had to be born again. He did not understand God's thoughts or ways, but Jesus made it clear. If He would trust Him as Lord and Savior, he would have eternal life. I was able to explain to the people there that God's Love extends to all of them. He is there to help them with their hurts, just like He is there for the family who lost their little son. He wants all of us to live with Him in Heaven for eternity.
I do not know the results of God's Word going out tonight. However, I know it will not return void, but it will accomplish His purpose in their hearts and lives. Already, He is working in that place because Phil Covone received approval to start services in Spanish there on Sunday mornings very soon. Perhaps, the message tonight broke ground for that work of love and grace. I was just praising God to be able to be used to share His love with a lot of folks who would never come to my church or maybe any church.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Deuteronomy 20-22 and Mark 13:21-37.