Motivation for Service

It was so wonderful to see such a large group of workers at our Vacation Bible School this week. We had over 180 children enrolled and over 80 workers. Each one played a valuable part in sharing the gospel with the children, whether they taught the lesson or led in snacks, crafts, or recreation. It was a team effort.

All the while the Lord was looking at the hearts of those workers to discern their motivation for serving in VBS. I Corinthians 13 makes it very clear that love is the motivation accepted by the Lord. All others are somewhat selfish, and God does not bless that type of service. When we serve out of love for Jesus and a love for others, then, He will bless us for serving in the Spirit of Christ. He left Heaven to come die for us. The least we can do is give our time and effort for Him and for others to come to know Him.

So take a minute and ask yourself that question. Why do you do what you do? Is it for self or for the Lord? I pray that you serve Him for the highest motivation which is love.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Esther 3-5 and Acts 5:22-42.

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