Are You Smarter than a Second Grader?

We have a large class of second graders in our Vacation Bible School this week. Not only are there more than 25 children in that group, there are a lot of deep thinkers with some good questions. This morning I spent 30 minutes with these wonderful children. I had a question and answer time, and I shared the gospel with them. It was pretty intense.

I can remember VBS when I was a child. We learned Bible stories. We made steak knife holders and other crafts. We played softball with the pastor, and we generally had a good time. However, I can't say that I remember asking questions like I heard today. Something has changed when 7 year olds ask these kinds of questions. What do you think? Here are some of their questions:

Who made God?
How big is God? Is He as big as the universe?
Where did angels come from?
Where did the Devil come from?
Who did Adam and Eve's children marry?
Did God get married to Mary to have Jesus?
Are Adam and Eve still alive?
What does it mean to be a Christian?

Well, what do you think? Are you smarter than a second grader? Could you answer these questions in a way that a second grader would understand? I hope so, because that is the kind of world we live in, and that is the intellectual/spiritual level of 7 year olds. If we are not ready, they will get their answers from someone else, maybe Oprah. That would be a tragedy.

Tomorrow, I intend to read Esther 1-2 and Acts 5:1-21.

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