The Armor of God
Life is hard. There are all kinds of hurting people around us, because they are trying to live life by themselves or with only human wisdom and strength. That just does not work well at all. Since the first of this year, I have begun a new daily practice because of our Masterlife study. I had done it before sporadically, but now, I consciously put on the whole armor of God every morning like Paul commands us in Ephesians 6:10-18. I know it is not my armor, and I am aware that I don't really have to put it on as much as I have to realize that God has given it to me for His protection and victory. Mostly, I have to go into the day with the awareness of what it is that He has given me for my good. That is putting on the armor of God.
One part is the breastplate of righteousness.( I won't go into all of the armor today.) Righteousness is being right with God and with other people. God made me right with Him when I came to know Christ, and He gave me His righteousness, so I would live right before Him and others. The breastplate covers the heart, which is vital for life. It is the seat of my decisions, my attitudes, and my feelings. I ask God each morning to protect my heart, so that I make the right decisions. I ask Him to give me His attitude and to cause my emotions to be true to how He made them to be. When I allow Him to do those things I can face life with His righteousness in every way. It is wonderful.
So many folks try to go by their own attitudes and feelings. They treat people the way they want to treat them, which is based on how the other person has treated them. They make decisions based on what they want to do. Their lives get all messed up, and they wonder why. God is the designer of the universe. He is the only one who knows how to grapple with it all. The great thing is that He is there to help those who know Him, and He loves to help us. He says put on what I have given you, and use my weapons, and you will never be defeated by anything Satan throws against you. I pray that you would try the armor of God. It is the only way to go through each day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 16-18 and Luke 7:1-30.
One part is the breastplate of righteousness.( I won't go into all of the armor today.) Righteousness is being right with God and with other people. God made me right with Him when I came to know Christ, and He gave me His righteousness, so I would live right before Him and others. The breastplate covers the heart, which is vital for life. It is the seat of my decisions, my attitudes, and my feelings. I ask God each morning to protect my heart, so that I make the right decisions. I ask Him to give me His attitude and to cause my emotions to be true to how He made them to be. When I allow Him to do those things I can face life with His righteousness in every way. It is wonderful.
So many folks try to go by their own attitudes and feelings. They treat people the way they want to treat them, which is based on how the other person has treated them. They make decisions based on what they want to do. Their lives get all messed up, and they wonder why. God is the designer of the universe. He is the only one who knows how to grapple with it all. The great thing is that He is there to help those who know Him, and He loves to help us. He says put on what I have given you, and use my weapons, and you will never be defeated by anything Satan throws against you. I pray that you would try the armor of God. It is the only way to go through each day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Judges 16-18 and Luke 7:1-30.