Worshiping God
We had a wonderful time of worship this morning with our church family. God's presence was clearly with us, and there was a freedom to express our praise and thanks to Him. I really appreciate our worship team leading us into God's presence. They make it easy for me to worship the Lord. That is very important to me. Worship energizes me. It lifts me up. God smiles on me when I take time to show Him His worth to me. He blesses our church when we block out the cares of the world and focus on Him.
All of my Christian life I have loved to worship the Lord. On our wedding day Chris and I went to church in the morning, we were married on Sunday afternoon, and then, we returned for a song service that evening before leaving on our honeymoon. Do you think that is fanatical? I have never been a fanatic, I am just in love with the Lord, and I love to show Him. What does worship mean to you? I don't mean going to church or even going to a worship service. What is worship to you? What does it mean to express your love for the Lord in private or in a worship service? I believe it should be one of the highlights of our week. God loves it, and we should, too.
I pray that we all will work on making our worship more meaningful in 2008. I know it will enrich our lives and bring us closer to Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 18-19 and Matthew 6:1-18.
All of my Christian life I have loved to worship the Lord. On our wedding day Chris and I went to church in the morning, we were married on Sunday afternoon, and then, we returned for a song service that evening before leaving on our honeymoon. Do you think that is fanatical? I have never been a fanatic, I am just in love with the Lord, and I love to show Him. What does worship mean to you? I don't mean going to church or even going to a worship service. What is worship to you? What does it mean to express your love for the Lord in private or in a worship service? I believe it should be one of the highlights of our week. God loves it, and we should, too.
I pray that we all will work on making our worship more meaningful in 2008. I know it will enrich our lives and bring us closer to Jesus.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 18-19 and Matthew 6:1-18.