June 25 - Psalms 139-141
Why not be honest with God? He knows everything there is to know about you already. That is the theme of Psalm 139, and it is a great point. So many people live their lives like they are trying to hide things from God, but that is impossible. One day we will have to stand before Him and give an account of everything we have done, so we need to realize that God sees all and knows all. We need to search the motives of our hearts and make sure they are right. Then, we need to make sure that our actions match our motives and our beliefs.
In Psalm 140 David is asking God for help with the unrighteous men who are trying to harm him. In verse 11 he mentions the slanderer. I have found that slander is one of the worst things I have had to face in my life. It is very difficult to have people spread false reports about me. When it happens, I do have to pray that God will stop them like David prayed here, but mostly I have to trust God to show others that what they are saying about me is not true. Again, that goes back to how we live our lives. If we live above reproach, then people will be less inclined to believe the slanderer who speaks against us.
Psalm 141 makes another great point. We should all want to do whatever it takes to stay away from sin. We should set a guard over our mouths, and keep our hearts away from sinful things. We should be quick to hear a friend who wants to correct us. When they come to us, it should not make us mad, but happy. We should consider their rebuke a kindness. This response goes against the flesh, but if we are filled with the Spirit, we will be able to receive correction and rebuke in this way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 142-144.
In Psalm 140 David is asking God for help with the unrighteous men who are trying to harm him. In verse 11 he mentions the slanderer. I have found that slander is one of the worst things I have had to face in my life. It is very difficult to have people spread false reports about me. When it happens, I do have to pray that God will stop them like David prayed here, but mostly I have to trust God to show others that what they are saying about me is not true. Again, that goes back to how we live our lives. If we live above reproach, then people will be less inclined to believe the slanderer who speaks against us.
Psalm 141 makes another great point. We should all want to do whatever it takes to stay away from sin. We should set a guard over our mouths, and keep our hearts away from sinful things. We should be quick to hear a friend who wants to correct us. When they come to us, it should not make us mad, but happy. We should consider their rebuke a kindness. This response goes against the flesh, but if we are filled with the Spirit, we will be able to receive correction and rebuke in this way.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 142-144.